Psst – make the most of your experience by becoming a member!
Member perks.
Discounted studio booking rates.
No matter which membership option you choose, you will be saving over 25% off on hourly studio bookings! Members who choose our first tier “Day Glow” package will pay a small monthly membership fee of $20 to receive approximately 25% off hourly rates. Members who choose our next tier “Golden Hour” will choose their desired number of monthly hours and will be given a booking code to redeem throughout the month to save around 40%.
Priority booking.
Members will get access to our booking calendar up to 3 months out, whereas non-members only have access to the next month. This allows for members to reserve spots before they are even available to the public – which is a pretty hot commodity if we do say so ourselves!
The first to know.
When you become a member, we will immediately add you to our “Close Friends” list on Instagram and you will also be added to a very special email list where you will be the first to know about exciting new updates, new furniture or equipment, special events, and so much more.
Discounted or free tickets to events.
Now that we have moved into a larger space, we will be hosting monthly events and happenings to which members receive exclusive discounts and access! Day Glow members will receive 20% off all ticket costs. Golden Hour members will receive free tickets.
Find a Creative listing.
The first thing we do when you become a member is add you to our Find A Creative page on our site! Here you can showcase your work & connect with potential clients to work with at our studio or elsewhere.
Featured posts.
As a member, you will get featured posts on our social media and blog! Showcase your best studio work or advertise for an event you are hosting. Just be sure to tag us or send your gallery/details to our email!
Studio Membership
The Day Glow Membership
HALF DAY (4 HOURS) | $150
FULL DAY (8 HOURS) | $300